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Ann Mutschler with news from the trenches

Ann Mutschler is one of the most pleasant journalists you might ever meet. She has a sunny disposition, makes you feel like every word you're saying is the most fascinating thing you've ever heard and laughs at most of your jokes (as long as they're not dirty, because she is a lady, after all). In short, she's one of the most dangerous journalists you will ever meet. She can get information out of you that you would never give to a more aggressive reporter. She's been doing this for more than 15 years in the B2B tech magazine world and she knows her stuff.

But the changes in the the world of journalism have affected her, as well. She was originally hired to back up some editors in Electronic Business and Electronic News on a part time basis. Now she's been handed the jobs of three or four editors that have moved on. Her work load increased exponentially when the EDN Network editors were given the mandate to start blogging regularly. What's more, she really enjoys it.

So she writes news, analysis, industry gossip, talks to dozens of industry people every day and then dons her red cape to fly home and be a successful wife and mother (son Nick is quite the handful). Here's the link.