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New Tech Press, Live from DAC!

Big news all around today.  Denali and Cadence merge and New Tech Press will go to DAC this year with live video broadcasts on line.

Yep, today we reached agreement with Vpype, the social video startup for partial sponsorship of live (and later archived) interviews with technologists and industry leaders at the Design Automation Conference in Anaheim, beginning June 14.

Here's the catch: You won't be able to see the live broadcasts unless you have a Facebook account.  You'll have to wait until the archived interviews go up on the Vpype site, New Tech Press, and the NTP network partners, like Electronic Products, as well.  

The offer of sponsorship came after I started a series on the Use of Social Video a couple of weeks ago on Facebook that will be continuing indefinitely and will probably be expanding to multiple weekly events on other subjects.

So this is a heads up on both of those opportunities.  We had about 10 people in the audience for last week's broadcast and the new one will start at 10:05 tomorrow morning and I'm looking to expand that audience.  Come with questions, even if they are not about the subject matter of the day (camera positioning).  And I'm going to be looking for interview subjects and participants and we are still in need of a couple of sponsors to round out the costs.  Spread the word and let me know if you want to participate.