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Taking a leap at another challenge: 12 Entrepreneurs

Now that things are calming down to a dull roar I should be able to get back to my series on location-based web apps next week.  But today I just wanted to give you aheads up on an overall new direction for me and what I write about.  

I'm working on several fronts with people that want to change the world.  I wish I could say that  that some of those people are in the semiconductor and EDA worlds but that is just wishful thinking.  I recently helped launch a new organization that is aiming at being a movement to change how start ups are launched and nurtured called the 12 Entreprenuers (here's the NTP report).  These are people from a handful of countries in Europe as well as US businessment, government representatives, angel investors and people who are thinking about things in new ways.  Here's a couple of snapshots.

The first signers...60453_469515034433_670559433_6558892_4646652_s


Me as the MC at the kickoff meeting...60916_469518369433_670559433_6558939_901389_s

These vibrant people are working in online video content, medical applications, gaming, mobile apps, location-based technology, green tech, publishing... everything but electronics.  They are brilliant, innovative and driven.  It feels good to be around them and is giving me hope for the future.  You'll be hearing a lot more about it, but I write this today to say, if you really want to do something about unemployment, the economy, and the general state of the world, I'm all ears.  There is a movement afoot and everyone is welcome to join.  But we're not going to try to revive a dead horse.

Just saying...