Marketing Automation: Not as expensive as you might think

Apologies for the long absense, but we've been need deep in writing a book on energy policy for a client that has been all consuming. The project is coming to a close and it's time to pick up this blog.

Marketing automation is the big deal in the communications departments in all fields, both B2B and B2C, but a lot of smaller companies are still in the dark about it, primarily because everything they hear about is too expensive (Marketo, Pardot, Hubspot), or too complicated (Sharpspring, ActOn). It doesn't have to be either. In the past year while working on the book we have found dozens of marketing automation platforms, some built into website services, that work for small to medium-sized businesses for less than it costs the manage a website for a year, and simple enough to just set up and run.

The problem that remains is having the time and expertise to figure out which one is right for you. Getting a consultant like Footwasher Media to guide you through the process and make the right choices does not have to be expensive either. We still have our free evaluation available to get you started and you might be surprised at how affordable we can be..