communication skills

Eschew obfuscation (look it up)

Ron Ploof chimed in with a post on brevity today.  It was like a cool breeze to me.  The hardest task in communications counsel is teaching clients to be succinct.  The writing style of the real journalist requires paragraphs of no more than two sentences, no more than 25 words long each.  It is the best way of getting an idea across.  That's how most people talk.  That also means you have to keep the superlatives at a minimum and THAT is really hard for most marketing people and CEOs.

Had breakfast with Shel Israel yesterday who explained one of the reasons he left PR was pressure from client's boards who believed adding adjectives increased "buzz" for news release.  The more said, however, the more obscure. 

Get to the point.  That's all I'm sayin'.