Silicon Frontline

Silicon Frontline hits the bottom line

OK, NOW we’re talking.  I talked with Dermott Lynch, vice president of marketing for Silicon Frontline Technology about the company’s parasitic extraction technology and got the usual pitch about what was obviously a very innovative product.  That’s what you come to expect from an EDA startup: great technology.  Then I asked the question no one likes.  I asked how much this tool meant to the bottom line for a fabless company.  AND I GOT AN ANSWER!  Could have knocked me over with a balled up sock.  Silicon Frontline tool shear off more than 5 percent of the cost of bringing a new chip to market.  When the minimum cost of making a new chip is $50 million, that is significant.  Well done, Dermott.   Here's the link to the interview. This is an unsponsored interview provided by New Tech Press