Urban Spoils

Web 2.0 gems amid TechCrunch roar

By Lou Covey, New Tech Press Editorial Director A couple of weeks ago, New Tech Press attended TechCrunch Disrupt, looking for some companies that were not getting the buzz at the conference, but making Web 2.0 accessible to no-geek types. We found several. This link to the video interviews takes a look at five of them -- Poken, Caplinked, Rseven, Urban Spoils, Yapper and Ovia.  A couple of others weren't around when we came by with the video camera but nonetheless were worth mentioning here:  Bubbalon and Ark.

Ark makes it possible for online shoppers to designate  a portion of their purchases to their favorite charities.  Organizations can apply to be covered by Ark, or supporters can apply for them, and Ark will check them out, give them a certification, and then the option will show up on the Amazon, or EBay shopping window.  This is not necessarily a new idea, but other options force the donors to choose from a list created by someone else.  Ark democratizes this process by opening it to all organizations.

Bubbalon, on the other hand, is a little more self-serving... but pretty cool nonetheless.  There is a fake group on Facebook that is supposedly trying to get a "dislike" button on the platform and lots of people think that's a good idea.  Bubbalon has taken that idea and run with it way beyond just a boring "dislike."  They make a button that can actually rate anything, like a survey asks you to rate something from 1-10.  Then it takes all the various ratings and averages them.  This provides a more interactive experience for the user, and a more valuable marketing information source for the object of the review.  You don't have to know how to write a clever review, just slide a button up or down and rate something from Atrocious to Awesome.

This tech could give Yelp a run for it's money.  So maybe Yelp should buy them.  Like now.

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